Join Us
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
We’d love to hear from you if you are interested in joining our sacred community
Thank you for your interest in joining this unique engine of the Jewish feminist revolution as we embark on the next eras of what that will mean.
B’not Esh is a trans and woman inclusive community. We especially encourage applications from: those who have active histories of commitment to racial justice, Jews of Color, and those who are 20-40 years old. If you are applying with other friends; please let us know in your letter of inquiry.
1. Please read over the statement of purpose of B’not Esh and share some reflections about how you see your life’s journey connected to the aspirations and ideas expressed here. You do not have to address each point but it would be helpful to hear your general response and your reflection on both the spiritual and political commitments of B’not Esh. Feel free to write in full sentences, to share bullets or short anecdotes/images from your life, or to attach a video of you speaking. We want to get to know you and what animates your life; we are not aiming for a perfectly polished formal application.
2. Bnot Esh is a collective of JEWISH FEMINISTS who organize an intentional community through an annual five-day gathering. A lot of being in B’not Esh is about being in community. We are a group that includes many individual relationships but primary to being in the group is having the love, patience, curiosity, and openness to group energy, consensus process, and group dynamics. We are a mix of introverts and extroverts, of course, and have a myriad of ways of being part of the group. We share an abiding commitment to our group and to all its members. Share a little about a group or groups you have participated in or been a member of (formal or informal, familial, political, spiritual, therapeutic or otherwise). Tell us something you’ve learned by being an active member of an ongoing group. What has been challenging for you about being a member of an ongoing group? Reflect on patterns or behaviors that your notice about yourself as a group member.
3. What else would you like us to know about you and your life circumstances? (Optional)
Once we receive your application, a member of the collective will get back to you about next steps.